terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016


Francisco Candido Xavier is perhaps the most eminent popularizer of Doctrine. At 5 years old, he has conversed with the spirit of his mother (disembodied). With more than 400 psychographic books (many of which, today, translated and published in several languages), it is assumed that the author has been more than 11 years in psychic trance. The Spirit Emmanuel (who has reincarnated as Publius Lentulus, Roman senator of old, and as Father Manoel da Nobrega), is its protective tab.

We are globally intertwined: what happens in one country, the other is just knowing. Often one finds something in a country, but on the other we see its development. Spiritualism is a practical example. Born in France, had its flowering in our country. Today, there are few Brazilian fans this enlightening doctrine of the invisible world.

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